Expo Mueble Internacional Winter edition 2021 will be virtual

Feb 22, 2021 | Markets | 0 comments

MEXICO- Abelardo Arreola and Enrique Ruiz, president and coordinator of the Exhibitions Committee of the Jalisco Furniture Manufacturers Association (Afamjal), respectively, reported that after evaluating the evolution around the health emergency of COVID-19 in Mexico, the Organizing Committee of Expo Mueble Internacional made the decision to carry out only the digital edition of the event for this winter 2021, on March 10, 11 and 12.

EXPOMUEBLE “Afamjal, organizer of the largest furniture fair in Latin America, has decided it necessary to postpone its in-person edition, given the size of the influx of participants; because we consider it essential to guarantee the health of our visitors, exhibitors, employees, suppliers and guests, that is why this determination has been made”, said Abelardo Arreola.

After the Board of Directors in which this decision was made, Enrique Ruiz, coordinator of the Exhibitions Committee of this union, commented: “Faced with a scenario that has been complicated during these first weeks of January, this decision has been made. And after a first experience, we consider that we have the knowledge to offer our exhibitors an effective way to reach their buyers, both national and international, through the aforementioned platform, which has had important results” said Enrique Ruiz Castro.

Likewise, the manager pointed out that “with this decision and the use of the Virtual Business Meeting platform, Expo Mueble Internacional Winter will become a leader in the use of virtual tools in the sector to expand the range of options to exhibitors, with the objective of reaching more and new buyers”.

Afamjal in the voice of its managers, thanked all those involved in the International Furniture Expo, both allies, visitors, suppliers, local authorities, Expo Guadalajara and, above all, the exhibitors of this important industry; “We appreciate all your support and understanding at this time. This is a global challenge, but our community is strong. We are sure that we will see each other soon and that the International Furniture Expo, in its face-to-face versions, will return strengthened in August to achieve more and better business connections”, he emphasized.


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