Uvadrev orders a particleboard line from Siempelkamp

Feb 22, 2021 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

RUSSIA – The Russian wood-based panels manufacturer Uvadrev-Holding placed an order with Siempelkamp for a new particleboard plant.

921SIEMPELKAMP This is the second time that the company has decided in favor of a plant from the German partner and its competence in supplying woodbased panel plants from a single source.

At the Uva, Russia location, Uvadrev replaces an existing plant with the new complete particleboard plant made by Siempelkamp, which contains a Generation 9 ContiRoll® press in the format 9′ x 32.1m as the core component. The plant is designed for an annual capacity of 500,000 m³. With this investment, Uvadrev not only expands its production capacity, but also optimizes quality and manufacturing costs. It is planned to produce a range of boards in the finished sizes 1,830 x 2,750 mm as well as 2,070 x 2,800 mm, which will be further processed in the furniture industry. The new Siempelkamp plant not only stands for innovative press technology, but also for sustainability: their gluing system is designed to meet the stricter limit for the emission of formaldehyde from wood-based materials, the E05 standard; dry urea is used in the middle layer to reduce formaldehyde levels.

After ordering a particleboard plant with a production range of 300,000 m³ per year from Siempelkamp in 2012, this is the second project that Uvadrev and their German partner are realizing together. Assembly is scheduled to begin in early 2022.


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