EGGER: Stable sales growth at financial half-year

Jan 11, 2021 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

AUSTRIA – The Egger Group closed the first half of its 2020/2021 financial year (reporting date 31 October 2020) with consolidated sales of EUR 1.45 billion (-2.1 % as compared to the previous year).

915EGGER The Egger Group was able to absorb the economic impact of the global coronavirus pandemic in the past six months and take advantage of catch-up effects. The positive industry environment from June onwards and thus a very high demand, favorable raw material costs as well as fixed cost reductions, which were taken as part of the measures against the coronavirus pandemic, led to a significant increase in earnings to EUR 293.9 million (+33.5%). The EBITDA margin is 20.3%. The shareholder’s equity ratio remains at the high level of 38.6% despite major investments in recent years.

The conclusion of this extensive investment program is the 20th production site in Lexington, North Carolina, USA, which started operations in September 2020. This first non-European greenfield investment will enable Egger to serve the growing demand for wood-based materials in the North American market in future as a local producer and reliable local partner.

Despite continuing uncertainties due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the outlook for the second half of the 2020/2021 financial year is positive overall. Egger Group Management expects stable development in the key markets and emphasizes that the company is very well positioned for further development with its modern industrial base, global market presence, broad product range, solid financial base and, last but not least, its approximately 10,100 motivated and loyal employees, even if new challenges arise.


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