Measures complicate Brazilian furniture exports to Argentina

Nov 30, 2020 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

BRAZIL – The announcement by the Argentine government of the return of the non-automatic import license on furniture, as well as the shortening from 180 to 90 days of the validity period and the delay in approving these permits, created a surprise to the sector.

911BRASIL Sindmóveis, the Furniture Industry Association of Bento Gonçalves, as a representative of the main furniture hub in Brazil and having Argentina as one of the main export destinations, supports the position of Movergs, the Association of Furniture Industries of Rio Grande do Sul, against the change.

The information released by the neighboring nation provoked movements on several fronts by Movergs, with support from Sindmóveis: letters were sent to both the Argentine ambassador, Daniel Scioli, in order to propose that the measure be reconsidered. At the same time, through the Brazilian Furniture Industries Association (Abimóvel), measures will be requested from the parliamentary front of the furniture sector and from the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes.

Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay are founding members of Mercosur and signatories to the 1991 Treaty of Asunción and among the objectives are the free internal circulation of goods, services and productive factors, aiming at cooperation and economic development in the region. “We maintain cultural and economic ties well before the creation of Mercosur, sharing approximately 1,200 kilometers of borders. Thus, it is essential to seek alternatives that expand cooperation between countries in order to strengthen important trade links, especially in the face of a pandemic scenario, which has created permanent uncertainties for business ”, points out the president of Movergs, Rogerio Francio .


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