The German trade fair calendar returns

Sep 14, 2020 | Markets | 0 comments

GERMANY – This September and after a shutdown of almost six months due to the coronavirus pandemic, major exhibitions for trade visitors and the general public will be held again in Germany from September onwards, often in modified formats and sometimes with digital supplements.

900AUMA “Many exhibitors and visitors are waiting for trade fairs to restart, because they will once again stimulate demand through the presentation of innovations and personal trust-building communication,” explains Jörn Holtmeier, Managing Director of AUMA – Association of the German Trade Fair Industry.

A total of 84 exhibitions listed by AUMA, are currently planned for the months of September to December, 47 of them with international or national relevance and 37 with regional relevance. Twelve exhibitions are planned in September alone, including several international events like the CARAVAN SALON 2020, with around 350 exhibitors in eleven exhibition halls.

Comprehensive concepts for health protection, which are approved by the responsible health authorities, are the basis for the industry meetings. “The trade fair organizers are doing everything possible to create safe and promising conditions for exhibitors and visitors. Size and quality of the exhibition grounds offer very good conditions for implementing hygiene and distance regulations”, adds AUMA Managing Director Jörn Holtmeier.

For more information AUMA has listed the key points of the protective measures as well as the safety concepts for all exhibition sites in Germany on its website.


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