Kronospan will be installing Luxembourg’s largest photovoltaic system

Aug 24, 2020 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

LUXEMBURG – Less than a year after Kronospan Luxembourg S.A. completed a €250+ million project in new recycling facilities and its two Combined Heat and Power plants (fueled by biomass and recycled wood), the company takes the next step in terms of sustainability and “green energy”: the installation of 5,000 KWp photovoltaic system on the roof of its factory in Sanem.

897KRONOSPAN1 With its two, existing biomass power plants, Kronospan is already the largest producer of renewable energy in Luxembourg. The factory generates more energy from renewable raw materials than it consumes and is therefore the first C02-negative industrial company in Luxembourg.

The company will be installing over 13,500 photovoltaic panels with a total surface area of approximately 30,000 m2. The combined system will generate an electrical output of at least 4,550 MWh/year, which can supply around 1,140 four-person households per year.

The construction of the photovoltaic system will be executed by the Luxembourgish company Avantag Energy SARL and is planned for completion by the beginning of 2021. Kronospan Luxembourg CFO – Christopher Donnell explains: “At Kronospan, we have been working with natural, raw materials for over 100 years and know the importance of sustainability … so it is logical and consistent that we also want to be pioneers in the field of renewable energy production. We are taking the lead in this effort to highlight how critical embracing clean and sustainable energy is for future generations.”

Kronospan is the leading global manufacturer of wood based panels. Kronospan manufactures wood-based panels at more than 40 sites worldwide.

The company hopes that this investment will motivate others to follow its example. Currently, Kronospan is generating renewable electricity in two wind farms in Scotland and Germany and a photovoltaic system in the production site in Ponterosso, Italy. This new investment will be the 6th green energy plant in the Kronospan world and many more are planned.



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