The new certificate “Furniture Made in Germany” is launched

Jun 8, 2020 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

GERMANY – On June 1st, the Association of the German Furniture Industry (VDM) launched the new certificate of origin “Furniture Made in Germany”.

886ALEMANIA “With the new label, consumers can be sure that they are buying furniture made in Germany,” says VDM managing director Jan Kurth. The strict requirements were set by the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Labeling (RAL). It is the first RAL recognized origin mark for furniture – and the first for everyday objects.

“For consumers, we have created a neutral, verified certificate for quality furniture made in Germany,” says Kurth. The origin of the products plays an increasingly important role in the purchase decision. Kurth is convinced that the new label offers the domestic furniture industry the opportunity to increase the share of sales on the home market. At the moment, two thirds of all furniture sold in Germany comes from abroad. “But we are also hoping for improved sales opportunities in export,” says the VDM managing director. At the start, 45 companies have already registered with their products for labeling. The brand of 50 participating manufacturers originally targeted by the end of the year is expected to be exceeded.

“Made in Germany” is very important for many consumers,” says Hans Strothoff, President of the Furniture and Kitchens Trade Association (BVDM). “The designation gives our industry a lot of tailwind because it underlines the excellent quality of our domestic manufacturers, the regionality and thus the concept of sustainability.”

The requirements of the new label are demanding and stand for a high quality standard. Construction, assembly and quality control take place in Germany. In addition, the manufacturing process relevant to quality must mainly take place in Germany. Compliance with the criteria is monitored by the German Furniture Quality Association (DGM) on behalf of the VDM.


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