The Weinig Group cancels participation in Holz-Handwerk 2020

Apr 13, 2020 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – The unclear economic consequences of the existing restrictions along with the current large-scale health emergency in Germany and around the world are unsettling the entire woodworking industry.

878WEINIG1 As a reaction to the unknown extent of the Coronavirus’ duration and the obligation to guarantee the health of all participants, the Weinig Group will not participate at the Holz-Handwerk 2020 in Nuremberg. “This is a decision that is particularly painful because of the fair’s great importance and international regard”, the company noted in a statement to the market.

Despite this decision, the entire group of companies will continue to be available with suitable and needs-based solutions for customers from the various markets. To achieve this, Weinig and Holz-Her are expanding their commitment to the development of digital services in order to be able to carry out all requests and tasks perfectly even in this crisis situation.

The Weinig Group is currently doing everything possible to make the greatest possible contribution to containing the coronavirus and protecting its employees, customers and business partners. However, the direct effects of COVID-19 also influence the further annual planning of the Weinig Group – including events, meetings, trade fairs and other considerations.


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