Espacio Cocina SICI will celebrate its next edition in September 2021

Feb 25, 2020 | Markets | 0 comments

SPAIN- The next edition of Espacio Cocina SICI will be held in September 2021, at Feria Valencia and coinciding with the celebration of Feria Hábitat Valencia.

871SICI The decision, made by the AMC association and Feria Valencia, co-organizers of the event, aims to enhance the profile of professional visitor who visits both fairs and that seeks a comprehensive offer around all the sectors that make up the habitat.

The intention of Espacio Cocina SICI is to continue its growth through new formats around a global project aimed at the equipment of the habitat of which the kitchen is part and, in which context, is visualized in a much more logical and convenient way.

In this sense, the organizers of the fair point out the suitability of the typology of the professional visitor of Habitat, very close to the kitchen sector as it was seen first hand in the stand that to promote Espacio Cocina SICI lay in the last edition of Feria Habitat Valencia. This experience showed that everyone who visits Habitat is actively interested in and looking for kitchen furniture, and confirmed the existing synergies with the home.

In this way, the coincidence of Espacio Cocina SICI with the salone del mobile would be in line with the strategy of the other major most successful European fairs of the kitchen sector such as Eurocucina in Milan and Livingkitchen in Cologne. The decision is also supported by leading companies in the kitchen sector with whom the organizers Espacio

In this way, Espacio Cocina SICI 2021 will be held in September 2021 -on dates that will be determined after the celebration of Habitat this year – and will be predictably located in Pavilion 6 of Feria Valencia, with access and own forum although connected directly with the Habitat pavilions. Kitchen Space – SICI will also retain its biennative character, that is, it will continue to be held every two years.

In its last edition, in 2019, Espacio Cocina-SICI hosted more than 10,000 professionals, 35% more than in the previous edition of 2017.


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