CSIL publishes sixth edition of E-commerce for the furniture industry

Oct 22, 2019 | Retail / Distribution | 0 comments

CSIL publishes sixth edition of E-commerce for the furniture industry

ITALY – The CSIL report analyses the e-commerce for the furniture industry, estimating this market size at a world level, for the key geographical areas (Europe, North America, Asia) and relevant countries.

855CSIL Providing sales volume and performances for single distributor categories (E-tailers, brick&click furniture stores, non-specialist dealers).

The online sales of furniture and related products are presented for a total of 140 leading players based in the USA, Europe and Asia, with profiles highlighting their e-commerce policies.

CSIL estimates that around 6% of global furniture sales is driven by the e-commerce channel. While world furniture consumption increased by 5% on average between 2016 and 2018, the online sales channel outperformed with +27% average annual growth over the same period.

In 2018 China became the largest worldwide e-commerce furniture market in values surpassing the United States.

Founded in Milan (Italy) in 1980, CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies is an independent research and consulting company specialised in applied economic research, evaluation of public investment projects, infrastructure project appraisal, support to development programmes and policies, market analysis and SMEs economics. Since its origin, CSIL has been established as a centre of excellence concentrating on the diagnosis and design of sector strategies both for the public and private sectors, and the analysis of factors of competitiveness at regional, national and global levels.



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