Weinig Group with record sales of € 463 million in 2018

Aug 20, 2019 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – Sales of the Weinig Group reached € 463 million in 2018 representing a 9.5 % growth compared to 2017 and a new record figure for yearly sales revenues.

846WEINIG It was also the fifth consecutive year that the Weinig group has recorded an increase in sales. In view of a global downturn in economic activity receipt of purchase orders was € 444 million and down 6 percent compared to the previous year’s figure.

In the regional distribution of sales and receipts of orders, the EU accounted for the largest share again in 2018 with a little over 50 percent. North America remained the Weinig Group’s main market outside Europe with a share of a bit more than 25 percent of the receipts of orders and around 20 percent of the group’s sales revenue.

The company informed that sales revenue and receipts of orders in Russia and China fell short of the expectations. The foreign share of the receipts of orders was roughly 85 percent last year. Weinig gave no details about its results for 2018. According to the last business report 2017 published in the electronic Federal Gazette, the consolidated result before income tax amounted to € 36.6 million, and the consolidated result for the year € 25.6 million.

The Weinig Group is the leading manufacturer of machines and plants for processing solid wood worldwide. The wood-based panel segment is represented by HOLZ-HER as an independent brand.


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