Panels represent 37.9% of Arauco sales in 2Q-2013

Aug 23, 2013 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

CHILE (Notifix) – Arauco panel sales reached USD 514.9 million in the 2Q-2013 that represent 37.9% of total sales (USD 1.358,7 million) in the period.

Arauco Sales By Product Arauco Results April June The panels business closed its second quarter of the year with an increase in its year to date sales of 71.8% in respect to the same period of 2012. This increase corresponds to sales of Flakeboard in North America, from its operating units in USA and Canada.

During the second quarter, Plywood sales had a 12% drop in respect to the same period of 2012. This drop is mainly explained by the port strikes that occurred in the end of April and beginning of May.

In the case of MDF, sales volume had a 74% increase compared to the second quarter of 2012. This increase in sales is influenced by the increase in supply coming from the North American operating units and due to the new MDF line at the Jaguariaiva mill, located in Brazil.

Particleboard sales volume increased, compared to the same quarter of 2012, by 161%. This increase is mainly explained by the new volume coming from operations in USA and Canada, and volume produced by the new Teno, Chile mill.



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