GERMANY – This year the spotlight at the Jowat stands at Interzum and Ligna was its non-hazardous reactive polyurethane (PUR) hot melts from the Jowatherm-Reaktant® MR series. A family of products for the wood and furniture industry reduced in monomers and, therefore, non-hazardous.
Jowatherm-Reaktant® MR is a fully certified product family for load-bearing glulam, as well as on new dispersion adhesives with low formaldehyde emissions. This development demonstrates Jowat’s capacity and competence in PUR technology. For the adhesive specialist from Detmold, Germany, the standard in PUR technology will be defined by non-hazardous adhesives, in all relevant fields of application.
Like in previous years, Jowat again set up several contact points at the 2019 trade shows – three booths at Ligna and one central booth at Interzum. The special highlight of the non-hazardous product series presented by Jowat at the trade fairs was an unfilled edge banding adhesive for superior applications, which facilitates colorless and virtually invisible bondlines.
Reactive PUR hot melts were also in the spotlight at Interzum, with focus on the significant process and efficiency benefits compared to liquid adhesive systems in the manufacture of mattresses and upholstered furniture.
Jowat also celebrated another technological first at Ligna with established dispersion adhesives from the Jowacoll® series. Due to an optimized manufacturing process, Jowat was able to reduce the formaldehyde content in the Jowacoll® dispersions by up to 80 percent and at the same time maintain the good water and heat resistance of the adhesives. As a result, formaldehyde emissions from Jowat’s reactive D3 dispersions are now below the limits defined in different regulations and in some cases even close to the detection limit, and therefore support the production of low-emission products.