Brazilian government opens credit lines for Machinery 4.0

Jul 1, 2019 | Markets | 0 comments

BRAZIL – With the intention that the industry, including the furniture sector, enters into a new productive standard to rescue competitiveness, the National Development Bank of Brazil launched the BNDES Finame Máquinas 4.0 program.

839BNDES1 The modality will help entrepreneurs invest in the modernization of the productive structure (digitization and preparation or implantation of Advanced Manufacturing).

Among the main points of the program are the specific product line BNDES Finame, the support for the acquisition of machines and equipment accredited in the CFI with special mark “4.0” and the financial condition favored: TLP + 1.05% + spread AF.

The terms of funding apply to support for machines and equipment containing the technologies associated with the following categories of credible Technology Services: Advanced Manufacturing Solutions and Internet Services of Things (IoT).


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