Duratex inaugurates its first nursery in Colombia

Jun 3, 2019 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – In May Duratex inaugurated its first nursery in Colombia, where it also has industrial operations for the manufacture of wood panels.

835DURATEX The new nursery, Forestal Rio Grande, is part of the company’s initiative to build a solid heritage, which guarantees, in a sustainable way, the increase of the productivity of its forestry business and the best quality of the wood used in its industrial production processes.

For this purpose and seeking to adopt responsible management practices that combine the highest productivity and the conservation of biodiversity, Duratex has maintained a genetic improvement program in Brazil this since 1969.

The new nursery is located next to the company’s industrial unit in the city of Barbosa and will become part of its genetic program. “We now have the knowledge and technology to produce clonal material with exceptional quality,” says Gabriel Lopera Arango, forest manager at Duratex Colombia.

The Rio Grande Forest Nursery opening event was attended by representatives of forestry companies and Duratex suppliers, who, in addition to visiting the area, were able to learn about the company’s MDF production process in Colombia.

Duratex currently has two other nurseries in Brazil, close to its industrial operations: one in the city of Lençóis Paulista, in the interior of São Paulo, and another in the municipality of Uberaba, in Minas Gerais.


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