RTA Muebles invests in clean energy

Apr 22, 2019 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – Colombia’s leading manufacturer of ready to assemble furniture, RTA Muebles, has completed its solar energy project started two years ago.

829RTAMUEBLES3 The project, developed by local firm Hybrytec, required an investment that exceeded COP 900 million and has a generation capacity of 60,000 kWh that supplies 40 percent of the energy needs of the RTA Muebles production plant in Jamundí, Valle del Cauca. With this clean energy solution, RTA Muebles stops emitting annually 174 tons of CO2.

“For us at RTA Muebles it is a duty and commitment to be a environmentally friendly company. All our resources – from our main raw material – come from planted forests and that is why we have the FSC certification of environmental custody.

At the same time we are cogenerating 40% of our energy consumption with clean solar energy, it is an alliance of RTA Muebles with the planet,” said Dimas Tobón, Manager of the company.

RTA Muebles is the leading manufacturer of ready-to-assemble furniture from Colombia and the Andean Region. At the end of 2018 RTA Muebles achieved sales of COP 86.8 billion (USD 26.7 million), up 33.2 percent compared to a very good 2017.

This growth has gone hand in hand with exports, which grew by 48.1 percent in 2018, reaching USD 9.5 million and currently represents 35.6 percent of the Company’s sales.


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