Aglomerados Cotopaxi presents its 2019 Collection “Home Cycling”

Mar 18, 2019 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

ECUADOR – At the beginning of February Aglomerados Cotopaxi launched “Home Cycling”, its 2019 collection of designs.

824COTOPAXI SEPIAThe new collection is inspired by the “upcycling” concept, which, unlike recycling, is the creative application of used materials, transforming them and reinterpreting them. “Home Cycling” is therefore a collection that defines the art of redecorating the home fusing old and modern materials to give them a personal style.

The new “Home Cycling” collection is composed of five designs:

  • • Terra: with its natural tone this design transports us to our origins, our roots and our essence.
  • • Alamo: a mysterious, natural, unreserved and free wood that encourages us to take risks.
  • • Catania: a shelter of light, soft, warm, that takes us to our deepest connections.
  • • Tintoreto: elegant, imposing, daring, seductive, it is ideal to contrast with traditions and routine.
  • • Sepia: a solid and friendly color to combine with the wide range of the Aglomerados Cotopaxi portfolio.

Aglomerados Cotopaxi is a forest industry with 41 years in the Ecuadorian market, and a leader in the creation of plantations, production and sale of wooden panels, committed to sustainable development. As a forestry industry, it has the FSC Certification that verifies that the management of its forests and plantations complies with the strict international standards of Responsible Forest Management, based on social, environmental and economic criteria. It also holds the OHSAS 18001 certification for the Health and Safety at Work Evaluation Series and the ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems certification.

With 18,000 hectares in plantations located mainly on the slopes of the Cotopaxi Volcano, of which 5,500 are conservation areas, Aglomerados Cotopaxi exports its boards to important international markets such as the United States, Panama, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.


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