On sales growth of 7.3% for 2018 the Biesse Group defines Business Plan 2019 – 2021

Mar 4, 2019 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – As the 2018 financial year came to an end, Biesse Group reported a consolidated sales rise of 7.3% compared to the previous financial year, with gross operating profit (EBITDA) exceeding Euro 92 million.

822BIESSE The announcement was made as the company’s Board of Directors made public its approved 2019-2021 Three-year Business Plan. Based on this Plan and on the international macroeconomic environment, the principal forecasts for the Biesse Group in the period under consideration are as follows:

  • Three-year compound annual growth (cagr) in sales of 6%
  • Three-year cagr in Value Added of 6.3%
  • Three-year cagr in EBITDA of 7.4%

The Three-year Business Plan is predicated on three main strategies:

  • Increase in the offer (#products)
  • New solutions for clients (#solutions)
  • Increased digitalization (#connected companies)

Despite the international political and economic uncertainties, the Board of Directors manifested its intent on maintaining strict focus on investments in innovation, service and after sales care without ignoring marketing/distribution efforts.

The Biesse Group operates in the market for machinery and systems for working wood, glass, marble and stone and other materials. A multinational company, the Biesse Group distributes its products through a network of subsidiaries and associates located in leading strategic markets.




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