New focus at Interzum: Adhesives

Feb 25, 2019 | Markets | 0 comments

GERMANY – At Interzum 2019, the area of adhesives will be featured more prominently within the Textile & Machinery segment. High-performance adhesives have always played an integral role in the manufacture of premium quality furniture.

821INTERZUM1 Due to the wide range of surface and carrier materials as well as the many combinations of material and the very different requirements involved, careful consideration by all bonding partners is of the utmost importance in selecting a reliable adhesive. At the same time, the quality expectations of furniture manufacturers and customers are increasing, due in no small part to current furnishing trends.

The growing movement towards seamless living spaces means that furniture is no longer assigned to specific rooms. High-quality upholstered furniture can now be found in the kitchen or bathroom and demand for design and durability is increasing. At the same time, customers’ desire for sustainable goods is driving the demand for high-performance products based on renewable raw materials and low-emission adhesives.

The primary importance of adhesives in the furniture industry is also stressed by Ansgar van Halteren, Managing Director of the German Adhesives Association (Industrieverband Klebstoffe e.V.): “High-performance adhesives support the furniture industry along the entire process chain. Without the various adhesive technologies, the requirements with regard to modern furniture could hardly be met.” The range supported by the industry represented by his association is broader than ever before, including everything from solvents and dispersion adhesives to thermoplastic and reactive hot melt adhesives. Innovations can be found alongside classics, and individual solutions for individual fields of application right next to mass products.

“With Interzum, we want to provide inspiration for the furniture industry,” says Maik Fischer, Director of Interzum. “The innovations in the supplier industry can be seen directly in the designs of the furniture manufacturers. At the same time of course, we also want the players of the supplier industry to engage with each other – in our opinion, both aspects strengthen the respective segments and make our event in Cologne unique worldwide.”


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