Three countries responsible for half of Brazilian PB/MDP exports

Feb 4, 2019 | Markets | 0 comments

BRAZIL – The 2018 data on Brazilian exports of PB / MDP reveals that in three markets: Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, are responsible for half (49.9%) of exports of Brazilian particleboard (PB/MDP), and that their importance is on the rise, as their market participation grew by 5.2 percentage points compared to 2017.

818BRASIL But we must not lose sight of Ecuador, the market that recorded the greatest improvement in export market participation in 2018, up 10 percentage points.

In 2018 total Brazilian exports of particleboard (PB/MDP) reached USD 88.1 million. An improvement USD 11.3 million or 14.7% when compared to USD 76.8 million reached in 2017.

Peru maintained its position as the main export market for Brazilian particleboard with USD 16.1 million, an increase of 27.6% when compared to USD 12.6 million in 2017. Colombia followed with USD 15.3 million and growth of 30.8% against exports of USD 11.7 million reached in 2017. Bolivia was the third most important external market with USD 12.6 million (+25.4%).

In 2018, the external market that registered the highest growth for the Brazilian PB / MDP was Ecuador. With a growth of 294.4% and totaling USD 12.4 million in 2018, Ecuador became the fourth export market for Brazilian particleboard. In 2017 this figure had only reached USD 3.2 million.

BRA 4410 2018 ENGL


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