Interview with Juan Fernando Alvarez, General Manager of Sierras & Equipos

Nov 27, 2018 | Retail / Distribution | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – Sierras y Equipos S.A. is a company with more than 20 years of experience in the Colombian market dedicated to the import and distribution of equipment, tools and accessories for the wood processing industry, the metalworking industry and the food industry.

810SyE1For the wood processing industry, it is the representative for Colombia of leading brands, among them the Italian woodworking machine manufacturer SCM Group, the German manufacturer of tools and tooling systems Leitz, and of the renowned Brazilian software developer Promob. The Company employees 80 people, of which 15 are part of the Technical Service department. Sierras y Equipos also stands out as the only company in Colombia that offers sharpening and diagnosis of diamond tools.

On this occasion, Notifix had the opportunity to talk with Juan Fernando Alvarez, Manager of Sierras y Equipos and with Alejandra Cardenas, Marketing Director of the company, who generously shared with us their experience, knowledge and industry perspectives.

NOTIFIX: How does the company see the business environment in general?

Sierras y Equipos (S&E): Although the country is facing great challenges, it is clear that something has been done well during the last years. We have achieved interesting results, seen several positive signs and believe that we can continue towards moderate growth.

Compared with what happened years ago, today there is a little more awareness of technification as a competitive tool for greater opportunities, which promotes a favorable environment for business and business growth.

We are optimistic and we bet on innovation as the best strategy! “There is no innovation without strategy or strategy without innovation”.

NOTIFIX: How do you expect to close the year in sales and what growth do you project for 2019?

S&E: Accumulated sales in the first ten months of the current year were 12.5% higher than the same period of the previous year. The results to date reflect a growth trend at the end of this year of around 14%. Expectations and our projection for next year are positive and it is very likely that we will meet the 15% growth target.

NOTIFIX: What differentiates S & E from the competition?

S&E: We have changed the mindset of being just suppliers of products, this is where we wanted to highlight the difference, we have been evolving towards business models where the focus is on the client, the service, the creation of expertise, and above all the creation of value for the customer. This is possible, not only as suppliers of high quality products but, rather, as integral “solvers” and expertise generators.

We are mainly focused on the improvement of processes, identifying the “points of pain” of our customers, providing solutions through the comprehensive supply of products and services but also maintaining the quality and competitive price demanded by the market.

NOTIFIX: We would like to highlight the best practices of companies in the industry and in this case we are struck by the strong presence of Sierras y Equipos at local trade-fairs. Why does S & E put so much effort into this channel (fairs / events / exhibitions)?

S&E: Our Company makes its communication flow through many channels, but undoubtedly the presence in fairs allows better channeling both in communication and public relations and promotion of the corporate image, while creating a visual image at the same time.

Definitely, a fair is an incomparable opportunity to reach the selected market segment, also an excellent two-way communication tool, as the exhibitor and the visitor are in direct contact and can feed each other of all the information needed regarding the product, market acceptance, etc., it also allows for product demonstrations and for providing visitors with as much information as they required. They are also a great source of information for the analysis of market conditions.

NOTIFIX: What are the conditions that a trade-fair, event or exhibition must have in order to be considered in your trade fair calendar?

S&E: Any decision about the convenience or inconvenience of participating in a fair must be justified on the basis of a careful analysis of some basic factors: the market, its current behavior and new needs; the products or services that will be offered, and the visitors, including potential buyers as well as types of customers who could attend.

NOTIFIX: What are the fairs that were part of the SyE 2018 fair calendar and how many square meters of exhibition area did they add?

S&E: During the course of 2018 we participated in different events: Expodeco (Peru), Tecnomueble (Peru), Feria del Mueble y la Madera – M&M (Bogota, Colombia), Design Fair (Medellin, Colombia), Expocamacol (Medellin, Colombia), Forum Uraba Forestal (Apartado, Colombia), International Fair of Bogota – FIB (Colombia), International Design Congress + MOB (Medellin, Colombia) and SENA’s Industrial Tuesday (Medellin, Colombia).

As for the exhibition area, we totaled an approximate area of 1,300 square meters. The results have been satisfactory and in one way or another we have met the planned objectives.

NOTIFIX: What would you recommend to our colleagues in the industry in order to have a successful fair participation as an exhibitor?

S&E: One of the keys is innovation, to have clear objectives regarding the image I want to project, to show something that generates impact.

The current environment is characterized by change: to stand still means to retreat. To maintain their position in the market, companies must be in continuous evolution: because there will always be someone able to sell cheaper than you! Therefore, aiming to differentiate through an innovation strategy is the best option.

NOTIFIX: What percentage of the advertising budget is invested in this item?

S&E: Normally the investment is large and takes a high percentage of the budget, which is defined by a previous analysis, however you should not participate in a trade fair thinking exclusively in the immediate economic benefit, but as a long-term investment with some objectives of sustained growth and recognition through successful participation.

NOTIFIX: What role do the brands you represent play in the decision to participate in fairs? Do you receive support and of what kind?

S&E: Given that the participation in these events facilitates the dissemination of the company image, its brands and its services, it is important to have support in order to generate greater confidence for the client. However our commitment with the industry and the company name are our great motivation when considering participation in fairs, especially when the focus is to be a company increasingly differentiated and adapted to the needs of the client.

NOTIFIX: Finally, what fairs abroad do you attend as visitors?

S&E: We do our best to be present at the most important fairs, such as Ligna and Interzum in Germany. This year we have visited: FIMMA (Brazil), IWF Atlanta (USA), ForMóbile (Brazil), XYLEXPO (Italy), TIMTOS (Taiwan), EMO (Germany) and IMTS (Chicago, USA).


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