Egger Group in talks with the EIB for financing of particleboard plant in Poland

Sep 15, 2018 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

POLAND – Egger Group is in talks with the European Investment Bank (EIB) regarding financing for the its new particleboard plant already under construction in Biskupiec, Poland.

800EGGERThe project is eligible for EIB funding as it will have a substantial positive economic impact for the region and support the forest-based bio-economy. The application of the Egger Group for EUR 150 Million loan is currently under appraisal by EIB.

The Egger management has emphasized that its investment in Biskupiec will contribute to the EU’s strategic goal of economic and social cohesion and support for weaker regions and greatly values the potential partnership with the EIB.

Thomas Leissing, Egger Group Management for Finance & Administration, commented: “We believe in sustainable growth through our own efforts and the plant in Biskupiec is also a long-term investment for future generations. Partnering with the EIB is important for us in order to create a maximum positive impact to the local economy and society. The region will experience a valuable push forward thanks to the investment. There will be approximately 400 new full time equivalent (FTE) jobs in the Egger plant, and many more in the upstream and downstream supply chains and service providers.”

The construction of the plant is already underway and the main buildings should be finalized by the end of 2018.

The Biskupiec plant will have ultramodern facilities that are based on the latest available production and environmental protection technology. Already now, approx. 290 people have been employed by Egger in Biskupiec. The Biskupiec plant will be the 19th manufacturing plant of the Egger Group in the world.



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