Duratex is featured in the Valor 1000 ranking of Valor Econômico

Sep 3, 2018 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

Brazil – Reaffirming its leadership position in the national market, Duratex, Brazil´s largest wooden panel manufacturer, has just received another recognition: the company is among the 1,000 companies that stand out in the national economic scenario, according to the Valor 1000 ranking.

798DURATEX2 Promoted by Valor Econômico, the survey is disclosed annually and takes into account aspects such as Net Revenue, Ebitda, Profit, Assets, Equity and Growth Rate.

Duratex was considered one of the three most relevant companies for the Brazilian economy in its sector of activity, Construction Materials and Decoration.

Valor Econômico Report on the topic highlighted the investment of R $ 94 million that the company will make in its ceramic coatings business through the Ceusa brand.

The company placed 139th in the overall ranking of Value 1000, rising four positions in relation to the previous edition.


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