Slowdown in order intake of Italian woodworking machinery

Sep 3, 2018 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – According to the traditional quarterly survey by Acimall (Italian Woodworking Machinery and Tools Manufacturers’ Association) the second quarter of 2018 was characterized by a considerable slowdown of orders. The survey reveals a 9.9 percent decrease compared to the same period of 2017.

798ACIMALL2 Its important to consider that the 2Q-2017 was one of the best, with significant growth rates, nevertheless orders from abroad are dropping dramatically (minus 15.5 percent versus 2Q-2017), balanced by the positive results of the Italian market which, over the same period, increased by 29.4 percent.

If the introduction of new customs tariffs on a global scale, the increase in energy costs and the financial instability of some emerging countries explain dropping export in the April-June 2018 period, it was partially offset by a domestic market supported by “Industry 4.0” incentives that are now producing their strongest impact.

According to the survey 17 percent of the sample expects an increase of foreign orders in the coming months, while they will be stable for 72 percent and decreasing for 11 percent.

Similar caution on the domestic market: 83 percent predict a period of substantial stability, 6 percent bet on growth and the remaining 11 percent fear a reduction.


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