Egger presents its flooring collection in Argentina

Aug 20, 2018 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

ARGENTINA – Egger brings to the Argentine market its flooring collection composed of 31 designs in total of which 5 designs belong to the Design Floors line, 5 designs for the Comfort Floors line and 21 designs for the Laminated Floors line.

796EGGER2 “The Egger Argentina team is proud to present this collection, renewing our commitment to continue building together with professionals and offering them a broader product portfolio and new technologies. Undoubtedly this will mean for the sector a new standard in products for furniture, floors and construction,” said Francisco Estruga, Marketing Manager of Egger Argentina.

The Design Floor line stands out as the best combination between wood and design. Within this line, PRO Design floors are the best choice when the floor must withstand a high level of use. Thanks to the DualSeal seal, they are water resistant on both sides of the boards. They offer the look and feel of wood, but are as simple to maintain as ceramics, they are also durable thanks to their self-repairing surface and resistant to micro scratches.

The Comfort Floor line, PVC-free, is distinguished by being a warm product, pleasant for the feet and silent, because it combines the best of the laminates with cork. In the Comfort collection, Egger has combined these features with modern designs to create a contemporary look. The appearance of the cork disappears, but its pleasant sensation remains intact under in each foot step.

The Laminated Floors line offers the best price – quality ratio and stands out as being especially robust as well as being protected against the effects of direct sunlight. Egger floors are resistant to UV light and therefore maintain their color durability. This line offers a wide selection of designs and the Aqua+ range can also be installed in damp rooms, such as bathrooms.


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