Peruvian imports of particleboard grow 74.2% in June

Jul 30, 2018 | Markets | 0 comments

PERU – In June 2018 Peruvian imports of particleboard / MDP amounted to USD 8.9 million, which represented a very strong increase of 74.2% compared to the same month of 2017 (USD 5.1 million).

793PERU With a remarkable increase of 138.2%, Ecuador continued consolidating in June as the main particleboard / MDP supplying country to the important Peruvian market with USD 3.2 million (2017: USD 1.4 million). Followed by Chile, with USD 2.7 million (2017: USD 2.0 million); Spain, with USD 1.4 million; and Brazil, with USD 1.3 million. Peruvian imports of particleboard / MDP of Ecuadorian origin showed the highest growth in June 2018.

The main importing company in June 2018 was again Novopan Peru with USD 3.1 million (2017: USD 1.3 million), which represented an important growth of 146.2% and a 35.3% share of total Peruvian imports of particleboard / MDP in the period (2017: 25% share), an increase of more than 10 percentage points compared to June 2017. It was followed by Masisa Peru with USD 1.5 million, which also represented significant growth of 133.4% and a 16.8% share over the total amount imported in the month.

Arauco Peru was the importer whose imports fell the most, going from USD 1.2 million registered in June 2017 to USD 0.97 million in June 2018 (-19.6%).




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