Interzum 2019: the largest and most international event for the furniture supply industry

Jul 24, 2018 | Markets | 0 comments

GERMANY – With more exhibitors – up 5 per cent from last edition – planning for the next interzum is in full swing. The largest international fair for the furniture and interior construction industries’ supplying sections, taking place from 21 to 24 May 2019 in Cologne, is also expected to be more international than ever as the proportion of international exhibitors is estimated to grow to around 80 per cent.

792INTERZUM Koelnmesse, the organizer, is expecting more than 1,800 exhibitors from around the world for the next interzum. Around 13 per cent of the companies registered so far will be attending interzum for the first time. “The results of the first early booking phase make us very optimistic that we will achieve our goal of five per cent more exhibitors in total. For the time being, we can register growth from all over the world, especially from Turkey, Spain and India,” says Matthias Pollmann, Vice President Trade Fair Management. Alongside the industry’s big names, plenty of smaller, highly innovative companies will also be participating again at its 2019 edition. Exhibitors will once again use interzum to introduce their innovations to an international audience and will be showcasing an extraordinarily wide-ranging mix of new technologies, materials and surfaces at the fair. Precisely because of this wide range, not only do the most modern materials, components and manufacturing processes become visible at the fair, but also trends and visions for the design of future living spaces. As drivers of innovation and suppliers of the entire interior design industry. the exhibitors are important partners in the development of new products and design trends. Resource conservation, sustainability, living in small spaces and the increasing interest in digitalized products and production are only a few of the topics covered at interzum 2019.


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