Tough sanctions by Superindustria to Brunati, Fiotti and Dini furniture stores

Jul 17, 2018 | Retail / Distribution | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – On July 6, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (Superindustria) of Colombia, a state agency in charge among others of protecting consumer rights, ordered the closure, for 30 days, of seven commercial establishments owned by the furniture group “Almacenes Brunati, Fiotti and Dini”.

791SUPERINDUSTRIA Superindustria explained said tha the measure “was taken, among others, by the evident and systematic violations of the consumer protection regime, in particular, breaches in the effectiveness of the guarantee of the products they commercialize and misleading information.” It was also taken into account the presumed conduct, on the part of the sanctioned “of not obeying the orders previously given by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce to defend the rights of consumers; as well as the reluctance to pay pecuniary sanctions for more than ten (10) billion pesos”.

The measure also prohibits “Almacenes Brunati, Fiotti and Dini”, to exercise the activity of import, export, manufacture, marketing and distribution of furniture and accessories for office and home in Colombia.

The precautionary measure is intended to prevent and avoid the continuation or further cause of damage or injury to consumers who frequent the Brunati, Fiotti and Dini stores in search of furniture and / or accessories for the home and / or office.

The measure adopted (closure of commercial establishment) has no precedent in the exercise of the function of inspection, monitoring and control in consumer matters, explained the Superindustria.


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