GreenPlac, the Asperbras MDF factory starts operations

Jul 10, 2018 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

BRAZIL – On July 4th, GreenPlac, the first MDF industry in Mato Grosso do Sul, started operations. With an investment of R $ 600 million, GreenPlac – an Asperbras Group enterprise – will be able to generate 200 direct jobs and nearly 700 indirect jobs in the region.

790GREENPLAC3 This project began construction work in 2015 and at its start-up GreenPlac is today the most modern certified wood factory in Brazil, with a production capacity of 250,000 m³. The installed capacity of the unit can be expanded without the need for new construction works or even an increase in electricity supply. GreenPlac is the largest investment made by the Asperbras Group in its 50 years of operation in Brazil, Europe and Africa.

The State of Mato Grosso do Sul has an area of 1,098,000 hectares of planted eucalyptus. Just over two thirds of that production of planted forests is absorbed by three of the largest industrial pulp mills in the country (two from Fibria and one from Eldorado), all installed in Três Lagoas.

“There is a significant surplus, of approximately 300 thousand hectares of eucalyptus in the State. We, in the state government, have helped in the market search for that surplus, hence the importance of the inauguration of GreenPlac. It is today the most modern company we have in the country in terms of technology, and prepared for expansion. It is a new producer in the MDF market that has as potential customers companies in the furniture sector. It is in this segment that we have done the prospecting to attract new ventures,” said Jaime Verruck, Secretary of Environment, Economic Development, Production and Family Farming (Semagro) of Mato Grosso do Sul.




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