Vitap first place in the XIA innovation awards 2018

Jun 11, 2018 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – The Italian company Vitap won the first place in the XIA 2018 (Xylexpo Innovation Awards), in the category of wood panel processing with its POINT K2 machine, a compact CNC for the optimized board sawing, operations for machining, squaring and contouring, among others.

786VITAP The jury especially appreciated that this ultra-compact machine can execute operations on five faces of a panel, including shaped milling thanks to an innovative floating pressure bar.

“This prize testifies to the continuous innovative force inside our company. I would like (me and my partners) to dedicate this prize to all Vitap employees that worked strenuously in the last years to achieve a complete technological renovation of the company. I would like also to thank all our customer friends in the five continents which, with their support and suggestions, helped us to achieve this important goal,” said Franco Tanzini, Sales and Production Director.

Vitap located in Poggibonsi, Italy is a renowned manufacturer of machinery for drilling, cutting and edgebanding of wooden panels with an important international presence.


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