“Be different, emotion without limit” Saviola’s slogan at the Milano Design Week 2018

May 1, 2018 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – Saviola, the largest Italian manufacturer of particle board, and a world leader in the post-consumer wood recycling process, caused quiet a stir with an innovative presentation “BE DIFFERENT.emotion without limit” at the largest international gathering for the furniture industry, the “Milano Design Week 2018”.

780SAVIOLA1 Alessandro Saviola, president of Saviola Holding, son of the founder Mauro Saviola, introduces us to the concept of the space dedicated to “BE DIFFERENT.emotion without limit”.

Notifix: Alessandro, what was the inspiration for the Milano Design Week mood for Saviola?

Alessandro Saviola: “BE DIFFERENT, is our slogan since a year and a half ago that identifies our DNA, we developed the AD-HOC decorative design and texture for the client, customizing the creative process. Adding to the slogan, we think to give soul to the event with “emotion without limit”, conscious that the Fuori salone is the adequate manifestation to transmit the mood, the emotions and infinite sensations of our product.”

Notifix: How was the project accompanying the defined concept developed?

Alessandro Saviola: “The project not only in ambience, but architectural was based on a concept where the industrial process was valued through an emotional process. Circulation and spaces were containers of sensations as links in a journey where the visitor could experience different emotions generated by the force of nature associated with the printed culture of our product.”

Notifix: How was Saviola’s product presented in the lay out of the area chosen for the Design Week?

Alessandro Saviola: “Our product, the panel, was present in the same architecture, from the entrance with a tunnel where a mixed scenography was created with the fusion of the raw particleboard panel and the presence of nature with a composition between our isologo and the pines generated with natural moss. A captivating entrance, where the industrial process was communicated until arriving at the stargate, a magical portal where the game of laser, smoke, perfumes, created a magical atmosphere of opening to the great space: Plaza Saviola. A meeting place where a historical internal facade, contributed to generate a special atmosphere and transported us to another reality. A multifunctional plaza with meeting points, show, a glass box dedicated to a kitchen space, where our product was always part of the equipment. To conclude in the great art gallery, where two impressive sculptures developed with melamine panels in various decorative and textures starred at the majestic hall.

The two islands synthesize the DNA of our history, a basement was designed with the raw material “post-consumer wood”, modules were planted morphologically in the shape of a trapeze that rose around a space dedicated to an industrial trend, and another to a trend vintage.”

Saviola, based in Viadana, province of Mantova, is the largest of the three business units of Saviola Holding (it generates 50% of the turnover of Saviola Holding). This manufacturer of panels represents a unique reference for the furniture industry thanks to the horizontal integration of its range of products, as it offers all the necessary instruments for the manufacture of the furniture, from the laminated panel to the edgeband. With a unique value: the production of the 100% ecological panel from post-consumer recovery material from the furniture industry and interior furnishings.











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