Polish Forte initiates production at its new particleboard line

Apr 23, 2018 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

POLAND – One of the largest European flat pack furniture manufacturers Fabryki Mebli “Forte” S.A. is starting production at its new particleboard line in Suwalki, Poland.

779FORTE2 According to the announcement the company is producing 15 mm particleboards with a density of 530 kg/m³, among other products.

The production line in Suwalki was started up in February 2018. The acceptance test procedures were completed by the technology provider Siempelkamp and Forte on March 21, 2018 – four months earlier than contractually planned.

In autumn 2016 Forte, one of the largest European manufacturers of furniture for self-assembly, initiated the largest investment in the history of the Company and one of the largest investments of Polish business in recent years. A new warehouse, a chipboard plant and a furniture factory along with the necessary logistics infrastructure developed in the Suwalki Special Economic Zone.

Currently, Forte operates four state-of-the-art manufacturing plants located in Ostrów Mazowiecka, Suwalki, Bialystok and Hajnówka in Poland. The total area for manufacturing purposes is 120,000 m2, while the storage space is 70,000 m2.



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