Leitz introduces LeitzXPress

Abr 10, 2018 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

GERMANY – With 3,000 employees, Leitz, a global leader in the manufacture of tools for the processing of wood and its derivatives, metal and plastic with a sales turnover in 2017 of around EUR 240 million.

777LEITZ2 Nearly 80% of that turnover responds to sales outside of Germany and as market leader is introducing LeitzXPress, a new communication device with the customer that is activated immediately, by pressing a button.

This system is already being implemented, at zero cost, between historical and loyal customers of the company, preferably far from the LEITZ headquarters in Germany, “rewarding their loyalty and reinforcing their productivity and also flexibility in their manufacturing processes, through a fast and efficient service “, explained Jürgen Köppel, CEO of Leitz.

In 2018, the leading German company plans to exceed EUR 260 million in sales, thanks to the significant growth in Asia and North America, as well as in Central and Eastern Europe.

“We are currently investing heavily in improving customer service,” said Jürgen Köppel, CEO of LEITZ GmbH & Co. KG, at the press conference the company offered last week at the Holz Handwerk in Nuremberg.



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