Nobilia exports up 8% in 2017

Feb 26, 2018 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

EUROPE – Nobilia, the largest European kitchen furniture manufacturer, increased its sales last year by 3.4% to € 1.126 billion.

771NOBILIA This increase was achieved through growth in exports. Sales to export markets were up by 8.0% to € 523.0 million.

The export rate in 2017 amounted to 46.5 percent and is again above the previous year’s level of 44.5 percent and above the industry average of 39.8 percent. Nobilia now supplies trading partners in more than 90 countries worldwide.

Domestic sales were relatively stable reaching € 602.5 million, down 0.3% compared to 2016. The number of kitchens produced in the two plants in Verl-Sürenheide and Kaunitz were up by around 15,000 to 675,000. A total of 6.75 million cabinets and 1.55 million worktops were produced.



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