High attendance at the SCM Digital Days internal fair

Feb 12, 2018 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – From January 25 to 27 over 2,500 visitors, including customers and distributors from all five continents, were welcomed at the SCM Digital Days, the open house that took place at the SCM Rimini Headquarters, an event dedicated to the new woodworking industry trends in the digital age.

769SCM2 The event focused on new production technologies that are based on digital developments and Industry 4.0 concepts, which companies in our industry have been adopting in recent years. Most popular with visitors were; the SCM Technology Center, where more than fifty operating solutions were on display, and the Digital Hub, the event’s command center, offering live demonstration of the latest developments in digital, smart, connected and integrated production processes. At the Digital Hub industry professionals experienced immersive augmented reality by wearing the SCM-designed smart glasses, which allows company service technicians to offer remote and interactive assistance to customers. Also the preview of an IoT (Internet of Things) network was a major success during this three-day event among representatives of companies that seek to adopt the “Factory 4.0” principles.

Today large factories as well as small workshops seek to employ optimized custom integrated production lines, that is, to meet the individual requirements of each task without sacrificing the advantages of industrial production and these concepts make up the driving force behind SCM’s technological innovations, its development of digital instruments that make every production phase more customizable. The Maestro Digital Systems are an SCM project that is a prime example of this intent. It embraces all the latest woodworking tools and digital developments.

“The Digital Days were an opportunity to experience live and first-hand the true benefits offered by the Maestro Digital Systems,” says Luigi De Vito, SCN Wood Division and Group Sales & Marketing Director. “It is an ambitious project. A sign of the times, certainly, but also of a corporate commitment and spirit, that is of SCM, which has always been at the service of each and every woodworking operator and followed the real needs of the target market. Change is underway. And SCM is dictating its pace, having presented to thousands of visitors who attended this event machines and applications that had been designed to employ all the latest technological trends and anticipate future ones, sharing the new arguments that drive the current evolution of our industry and turn them into common assets.”




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