Todeschini’s Factory Expansion in Bento Gonçalves Is Authorized

Jan 22, 2018 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

BRAZIL – The State Foundation for Environmental Protection (Fepam) issued last Thursday the installation license that authorizes the start of the expansion works of the Todeschini furniture factory in Bento Gonçalves.

766TODESCHINITodeschini will be expanded by 216,808.75m², of which 97.6 thousand m² will be constructed area and the remaining open outdoor area. According to the project, the productive capacity of the company will increase from 3.5 million to 11.9 million pieces per month.

“We are happy because it has been possible to overcome the obstacles and release that license that will guarantee the generation of 1,500 new jobs for the region,” said Fepam director Ana Pellini. To obtain the license, the company needed to present a series of compensatory measures, including the acquisition and recovery of areas of permanent preservation. Improvements will also be made in road access to reduce the traffic of cargo vehicles that circulate inside the city.

In addition, Todeschini celebrated with the State of Rio Grande do Sul, through the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development (Sema), a commitment to environmental compensation, which aims to provide a percentage of the value invested in the venture in Conservation Units.


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