In Search of Technological Partners to Build the Home of the Future

Jan 22, 2018 | Markets | 0 comments

CHILE – In an unprecedented initiative of collaboration between large companies in Latin America, the innovation areas of Masisa, Telefónica, Engie and BancoEstado joined together and on January 2 launched an open call for companies, startups, entrepreneurs and innovators to present their technological solutions in order to create the “home of the future” for Chile and the region.

766MASISA 1This alliance, with a potential of reaching more than 250 million clients in the region, seeks to develop and commercially scale innovations that allow people to achieve a better quality of life through a more accessible, inclusive, connected and sustainable home.

After a joint initial work, this group found in the home a point of convergence, with Masisa, from the wood industry, design and construction; Engie, from the generation and efficient use of energy; BancoEstado, as the largest representative of the banking industry and Telefónica, a digital telco that is a leader in telecommunications in Chile and the region.

The projects with their background info will be received through the website until February 15. According to the general coordinator of the initiative, Sebastián González, this process consists of four stages: “During January and February, we will receive proposals to, in a second stage, select and connect those with the greatest potential with the technical and business areas of the respective corporations. From this work will arise opportunities to test and implement some of these solutions, which will occur in the third stage of the process and for that, we have an implementation fund. Finally, companies that manage to move to the fourth stage, could access the Corporate Venture Capital of one or more companies in the group.

According to González, “this is not just a contest with a prize or recognition. It is an invitation to commercially scale solutions with an impact potential of 250 million people in Latin America. All in all, what we seek is to positively impact the lives of our customers through innovation and collaboration”.


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