Extenda Presents Sectorial Study on Furniture in Andalusia

Dec 18, 2017 | Markets | 0 comments

SPAIN – Extenda, the Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion, presented on 13 December a comprehensive report of the sector in the community during a conference called ‘The furniture sector in Andalusia and its internationalization’.

763EXTENDA1The forum, organized together with CECO Madera, and inaugurated by the Territorial Delegate for Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment in Córdoba, Manuel Carmona had the participation of 13 Andalusian furniture companies. The report presented included the characteristics of the sector, the identification of countries of interest for export and various recommendations that take advantage of the opportunities detected.

According to the conclusions of this study, Andalucía is the first autonomous community in number of companies in the furniture sector (2,105), 16.9% of Spain’s total, and employment generated (9,440 workers). In addition, the Contract channel and smart cities have become areas of opportunity for the sector.

The Andalusian sector has a series of strengths that can serve as an engine for growth in the national and international markets, as well as the advantage of having an important network of suppliers of components and services. Likewise, the sector has other potentials such as its export growth above the country average, its flexibility and adaptability, the good perception of European furniture in international destinations and the compliance of quality standards for international markets.

Andalusian furniture has the possibility of projecting itself in markets with potential for growth throughout the world, and the report identifies 21 countries as priority markets for the internationalization of companies in the furniture sector in Andalusia.

In the specific case of Europe, the markets with the greatest projection are Germany, France, Gibraltar, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia and the United Kingdom. In Asia, Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates, India, Oman and Qatar, show great opportunities and in Africa, Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco become strategic destinations. In addition, in America the United States, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, are countries with high possibilities for Andalusian furniture.


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