Biesse Group in Mexico’s Magna Expomueblera

Dec 11, 2017 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

MEXICO – Italy’s Biesse Group has confirmed its participation in the Magna Expo Mueblera Industrial trade fair to run from January 17 to 20, 2018 in Mexico City.

762BIESSEThe company will showcase its latest solutions and applications on an area of over 200 square meters.

For the Pesaro based company its participation at Magna Expo Mueblera 2018 will offer a unique opportunity to experience the company’s innovation in every area, from the strength of its history to its ability to define the technological features of the future of the manufacturing industry.

“We are taking part in this fair with great enthusiasm, both because we are well acquainted with the excellent organizational skills with which our partner DeutscheMesse manages this type of event, and due to our focus on this geographical area”, stated Federico Broccoli, Chairman, Wood Division/Sales Director and Subsidiaries Division Director of the Biesse Group. “Indeed, in 2017, the Mexican market has once again been providing us with very positive signals, which have translated into an increase in orders over the previous year, benefiting from the recovery in North America. In fact, the boost received from the US has enabled Mexico to record significant growth and we are confident that this market still has an enormous amount of potential to express,” he added.


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