Masisa Reports Loss of USD 65.6 Million in 3Q-2017

Dec 4, 2017 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

CHILE – Masisa, one of the largest manufacturers of wooden panels in Latin America, reported that net income attributable to the owners of the parent company (formerly known as profit for the period) was a loss of USD65.6 million, which includes the one-off effect of -USD 55.8 million as a result of the divestment plan in Argentina and Brazil.

748 MASISA1Sales revenue for the third quarter (3Q-2017) reached USD 265.5 million, representing an increase of USD 1.7 million (+ 0.6%), due to higher sales in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. In recurring terms, EBITDA reached USD 37 million, unchanged with respect to 3Q-2016.

Positive trends were observed in some of the company’s markets during 2017. Improvements were achieved in Chile in operational efficiencies and increased volumes and prices, which resulted in increased EBITDA. Despite very slow recovery in the Brazilian market, industrial EBITDA improved due to better sales margins because of higher panel prices. Argentina’s EBITDA increased due to higher board sales with greater added value.


Results July – September (3Q)

Masisa Results July September 3Q 201712





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